Thank you for purchasing my theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here on ThemeForest. Thanks you very much much!
Swimmerland - Water Park HTML Template is one of the best Water related HTML Templates in Themeforest. A Perfect, Clean and Unique HTML Template designed for Water related activites as like “Pools, Water Sports, Courses, Beach Bars, Swimming Lessons etc”.
Its very easy to change your logo.
All you have to do is change the image link to your own logo as shown on the image below.
To change the Background Image all you have to do is change the url link to the image that you want to insert as a background.
To change the background image for the "fullscreen-image.html" page you have to change the background image link to the link that you want to place as a background on style.css
To change the Video background for the slider or the "fullscreen-video.html" you have to:
1. Go to the folder video:
2. You will find the videos in 3 formats. .mp4 .ogg and .webm and a JPG image. You can convert your videos in this 3 format very easily via and replace them with your new converted videos.
Note: If your filename is not "video" and has a dfferent name you can change it easily by changing the source and linking it to your video, on the page that you want (index.html, fullscreen-video.html etc).
I used fontawesome icons on this Theme.
It's very easy to use the icons. Just use the icon's class name
class="fa fa-user"
All icons classes can be found here
Contact form will use php to send emails. So just open email.php file that can be found on the php folder. Change the current email "" to your email address and you are ready to go.
NOTE: Contact form require web server to send emails. Emails can go to your spam/junk folder.
Current active subscribe form will save emails to mail chimp list.
To connect your mail chimp list, open custom.js that can be found in the JS folder. Find the following script and place your mailchimp list url into the "url" as shown on the image below.
Free Font Based Icons by Font Awesome
Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the theme and NOT included in the final purchase files.
If you have any questions about customization of this template which are not covered in the documentation feel free to ask me a question in the comment section or contact me directly via e-mail form on my profile page.