jQuery Sparkline Plugin ChangeLog http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/ 2.1.2 ??? + Make compatible with jQuery 1.10 + Fix intermittent "undefined error" with IE8 (issue 64) Thanks Tim Tucker 2.1.1 26/January/2013 + Fix a couple of issues rendering pie charts in IE when they slices that make up a negligible percentage of the whole chart (issue 49) + Don't display line chart final marker if final value is null (issue 46) + Make compatible with jQuery 1.9.0 (issue 60) 2.1 15/October/2012 + Added support for Internet Explorer 10 (issue 18) Thanks Jonathan Sampson + Enable the plugin to be loaded dynamically (issue 6) Thanks joeenzminger + Pie charts with zero in the array of values will no longer cause IE to display "undefined" in the page (issue 9) + Null values in bar charts are now correctly omitted by default (issue 23) + Null values in line charts would cause value highligting to be incorrect (issue 4) + Raise default z-index for tooltips to ensure they always appear on top of the chart (issue 5) + Allow target and performance values to be set to null for bullet charts, omitting them from the chart (issue 3) + Fix clipping of highlight marker spots if min/max/final spots are disabled in line charts (issue 31) + Line charts with normalRangeMin=0 will now render the normal range correctly (issue 7) Thanks Tim Mathewso + Add support for AMD based module loaders such as requirejs (PR 32) Thanks Tim Tucker + Fix interquartile range calculation used by box plots (PR 10) Thanks Claudio Riva 2.0 29/April/2012 + jQuery.sparkline now requires jQuery 1.4.3 or later + All charts now support mouseover and click actions Adds options: disableInteraction, disableTooltips, disableHighlight + Added sparklineClick and sparklineRegionChange events + Line charts have highlightSpotColor and highlightLineColor options for controlling mouseover highligiting + All charts display tooltips and highlight values when moused-over by default Adds options: tooltipContainer, tooltipOffsetX, tooltipOffsetY, tooltipFormatter, tooltipChartTitle, tooltipFormat, tooltipPrefix, tooltipSuffix, tooltipSkipNull, tooltipValueLookups, highlightLighten, numberFormatter, numberDigitGroupSep, numberDecimalMark, numberDigitGroupCount + Fix error when all null values are fed to a line chart Thanks Ton Voon + Fix off-by-one error that caused the bottom of filled line charts to be unlevel - Thanks Sylvain Vieujot for the bug report + Pie charts with a single value now render correctly Thanks Juan Manuel + Charts that have their dimensions specified exactly in pixels may see improved performance Thanks Sean Carpenter + Coloured spots may be added to some or all values on a line chart now using the new valueSpots option Thanks Russ Beebe for the suggestion + Bar and tristates charts now support using range of values for the colorMap option - Eg. allows all bars with values betweeen 10 and 20 to be green + Pie charts may now have a border using the borderWidth and borderColor options - Thanks Michael Mior for the suggestion + Added a disableHiddenCheck option - If you know your charts will never be in a hidden block (display:none) at time of rendering, disabling this check may improve performance + Reduce number of DOM interactions when rendering charts in Internet Explorer to increase render performance + Bar charts may now have stacked values by providing an array of arrays or by passing a comma and colon delimited series of values (eg. "1:2:3,2:3:1") + Fix a bug where some spots would be drawn in the wrong position on line charts if the x values were supplied as well as the y + Fix a bug causing hidden composite sparklines to fail to render once $.sparkline_display_visible() is called. + If there are multiple calls to sparkline() on a hidden element, the plugin will now only render the most recent one when the element becomes visible, saving CPU time for the same visual result. + If a hidden sparkline waiting to be rendered is removed from the DOM via jQuery's .remove() or .html() etc methods then it will be removed from the pending queue the next time $.sparkline_display_visible() is called, preventing a memory leak. + Add the $.range_map() and $.spformat() methods 1.6 30/November/2010 + Allow options to be set as tag attributes, as well as passed in to the sparkline function as an argument. See new enableTagOptions and tagOptionPrefix options. + Added alternate methods of passing values in via HTML. Can now include inline values in a comment, or pass values in as a values attribute on the tag: <span class="sparkline"><!-- 1,2,3,4,5 --></span> <span class="sparkline" values="1,2,3,4,5"></span> + bullet graphs now handle non-integer values correctly + Added drawNormalOnTop option to line charts to force the normal range to be drawn over the top of the line chart's fill color + Detect if an element is not inserted into the DOM so that $.sparkline_display_visible() will function correctly after it's later inserted. + Remove the use of the Array indexOf prototype that was added to IE to avoid conflicts with other libraries. + Default settings are now exposed as $.fn.sparkline.defaults allowing script-wide changes to be made instead of passing them to the sparkline function on each call 1.5.1 01/March/2010 + 1 character typo fix for IE - Thanks to Daniel Kenyon-Jones for the heads up 1.5 26/February/2010 + Very small pie slices could fill the whole chart in IE Thanks to Peter Doel for catching and fixing it + Added chartRangeClip option to force values outside of chartRangeMin/chartRangeMax to be clipped + Added chartRangeMinX/chartRangeMaxX for line charts + Allow chart types other than line chart to be used as composites. + colorMap may now pass null as a colour to omit that bar from display entirely + colorMap may now be passed as an Array of values allowing the colour of each bar to be specified individually, rather than mapping by value + Added nullColor option to bar charts to force null values to show up as a thin line + Performance improvements with IE 1.4.3 14/September/2009 + Updated default pie chart colours - Thanks Liel Dulev + Null values can now be supplied to line and bar charts (use 'null' as the value) - Thanks to Ed Blachman for testing/debugging help + Added colorMap option for bar charts + Added lineWidth option for line charts - Can be an integer or a float (try 1.5 or 2) 1.4.2 25/April/2009 + Fixed rendering of circular spots on line charts for Internet Explorer 8 1.4.1 27/March/2009 + Fixed minor off-by-1-pixel display glitch with IE + Improved compatibilty with jQuery 1.3 which could cause some sparklines not to be rendered in certain situations 1.4 25/February/2009 + Added the box plot chart type + Fixed a canvas rendering issue that would display some charts with fuzzy lines + Fixed error in bar charts which would causes bars to be too short. + Couple of other minor bug fixes 1.3 25/January/2009 + Sparklines can't be automatically displayed into hidden elements (ie. with display:none) - Added a $.sparkline_display_visible() function to render any sparklines that were generated while a tag was hidden + Fixed positioning issues where sparklines would be displayed a few pixels offset from their containers in some browsers + Made a first attempt at IE8 support. IE8 beta 2 seems to have some vml related bugs though so having more than one sparkline on a line doesn't work correctly, nor do the markers on line charts + Misc other bug fixes + Updated the web site with a new look 1.2.1 24/November/2008 + Pie chart bug fixes: Divide by zero error resolved and IE rendering issue if a pie slice is equal to 0 Thanks to Hubert Mandeville for a patch fixing both issues 1.2 - 19/November/2008 + Fixed positioning of min/max line markers for fixed range graphs (thanks to Stéphane Busso) + Fixed rendering of bar charts with negative values + All values in a bar chart have a height now (min values used to have height = 0) + Added zeroColor option for bar charts which allows assignment of a different color for values that are equal to zero + Line charts can now specify both x and y values if required in one of three ways: a) Inline with HTML with values interleaved: x1:y1,x2:y2,x3:y3 eg. <span class="linechart">1:10,5:8,7:10</span> b) Programatically using an x,y array for each value: $('#mychart').sparkline([ [1,10], [5,8], [7,10] ]); c) Programatically using a separate array for the x values: $('#mychart').sparkline( [10,8,10], { xvalues: [1,5,7] }); + Added chartRangeMin and chartRangeMax to line, bar and discrete graphs This allows you to artificialy fix the min/max values for the graph so that multiple graphs can share the same scale. + Added defaultPixelsPerValue option to specify how many pixels wide each value should be in a dynamically sized line graph + Added offset option to piecharts - Takes a positive or negative degree offset to start drawing the chart from. 1.1 - 29/July/2008 + Added minSpotColor and maxSpotColor to line charts - If set then spot markers are placed at the cordinates of the minimum and maximum values. + Added normalRangeMin and normalRangeMax to line charts - If set then a normalRangeColor band will be drawn on the graph + Added chart compositing - Applying another chart to a DOM element with an option of composite: true will cause the second (or more) chart to be overlayed on the first rather than replacing it. + Added optional colorMap option to tristate chart - This allows specific colors to be supplied for specific values + Added discrete chart type - Uses fixed size discrete vertical lines to mark each values in a series + Added bullet graph type - Implementation of Stephen Few's bullet graphs + Added pie chart type + Improved auto height option to match the line height of the containing element + Fixed some off by one positioning errors + Reduced the default radius of spot markers from 2 to 1.5 pixels 1.0 - 17/July/2008 + Initial Release